ECM Sponsors Grand Parkway (SH99) Groundbreaking Ceremony
ECM recently served as one of the Grand Sponsors for a luncheon celebrating the Grand Parkway (SH99) Groundbreaking Segments F-1, F-2, and G at the Hilton Houston North in Houston, TX. The event was hosted by the North Houston Association and featured Texas State Senator Robert Nichols and Ted Houghton, Chair of the Texas Transportation Commission, as keynote speakers. Over 100 guests were in attendance from state and local government as well as the engineering consultant community.
This event celebrated this $1.5 billion highway construction project involving construction of a new 38-mile segment that will enable motorists to drive SH99 from US 290 directly to US 59 North. The constructed segments will cross I-45 near the proposed ExxonMobil billion dollar complex in The Woodlands, the fastest growing community in the Houston area.
This outer loop will provide motorists more direct travel options and continue to expand Harris and Montgomery Counties’ mobility and economic vitality.